Asian Paints Q3 Sales rise by 22 per cent
For the quarter ended Dec 31, 2011, on consolidation of accounts of the subsidiaries and joint venture of Asian Paints – Net Sales of the Group has increased by 22% to ` 2560.5 crores from ` 2099.6 crores as compared to the previous corresponding quarter. PBDIT for the quarter was up by 15.3% to ` 419.9 crores as compared to ` 364.3 crores in the previous year. Net Profit after Minority Interest increased by 16.6% to ` 256.9 crores as compared to ` 220.3 crores in the previous year.
For the Nine Months period, Net Sales of the group increased by 23.2% to ` 7071.7 crores from ` 5740.6 crores. PBDIT was up by 10.0% to ` 1194.7 crores as compared to ` 1086.2 crores. Net Profit after Minority Interest increased by 11% to ` 729.3 as compared to ` 657.2 crores in the previous year.
“We witnessed good demand for Decorative Coatings business across the country. However, inflation and falling rupee has affected material prices, thus impacting margins” said P M Murty, Managing Director & CEO, Asian Paints Limited.