FileSonic shutsdowns File sharing
Web services that allow customers to share and upload files should be spooked, Eric Goldman, at Santa Clara University told on Friday. “They will wonder if they have done anything different from Megaupload, and does that mean the Feds will come through their door,” he said.
For it’s part, FileSonic has changed the slogans and description of its service on its main page, though clicking through for more information on its premium plan does pull up a logo with the tagline, “Upload. Store. Download. Share. We don’t believe in limits.”
On Monday, the Associated Press reported that Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom (who officially changed his last name from Schmitz) said that he is innocent and is not a flight risk at a hearing in New Zealand. A judge is expected to rule this week on whether Dotcom will be granted bail, the report said.